The Homes For Heroes Foundation was developed in response to the growing number of military Veterans who are facing crisis as they return to civilian life and find themselves on the path to homelessness.

At Homes For Heroes we endorse the concepts of “Housing First” and “Harm Reduction” providing on site case workers who deliver a team-based, collaborative case management approach.  We partner with local social agencies who sponsor Veterans into the Homes For Heroes program and then offer the structured, yet nurturing, environment required to ensure positive emotional, psychological, and physical development for our Veterans. 

Needs Analysis

Together with Veterans Affairs Canada, our on-site case workers implement specialized social, physical, emotional and employment support to integrate Veterans-in-need back into their communities.

As Veterans are referred to a Veterans’ village, the team meets with each client to prepare a detailed needs analysis and define a program to best serve each individual client.


Intake Process – The intake process defines the eligibility of the applicant and defines the next steps in creating a successful reintegration.

Individual Treatments – The needs analysis also determines what types of treatment programs are required (if any) for the client. This information is passed on to the case worker assigned to the Veteran client.

Case Manager Assignment

Once a candidate has been verified to have served, a Case Manager is assigned to each Veteran by Veterans Affairs Canada to work in partnership with our on-site case workers. When a Veteran in the program needs specific supports such as financial advice, mental health counselling, addictions recovery, or family reintegration, an individualized service plan will be developed.

Case managers are assigned with:

  • Creating treatment plans
  • Identifying employment opportunities
  • Helping tenants become independent


Residency in the village will be temporary, with the goal of having each Veteran leave the village and re-enter mainstream society employed, stable and self-sufficient. This process can take several years or several months, the key is we do not want to rush clients to reintegrate until they are confident, they will have success.