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Honour Plaques

At Homes For Heroes, we aim to honour Canada’s fallen military heroes by naming each of our tiny homes after one of these brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. An informative, commemorative “Honour Plaque” is displayed outside of each home, serving as a permanent tribute to our nation’s heroes.

The families of fallen soldiers honoured in Homes For Heroes villages are considered part of our charity’s extended family. They are invited to attend the initial launch event and regular social gatherings held at the villages. The commemorative plaques are also integrated into an educational program, where the villages host local schools and community groups so they can learn firsthand about the heroism of Canada’s Armed Forces. The villages’ support provides immense value and meaning to the Veteran clients served by Homes For Heroes.

We invite the next of kin of Canada’s fallen heroes to apply for a commemorative plaque at one of our new Veterans’ Villages. If selected, our team will contact them to confirm their participation and provide an opportunity to review the plaque’s biography and design. Due to limited space, those not initially selected will be considered for future village developments.
Honour Plaques are exclusively awarded to personnel who died in service with the Canadian Armed Forces. Eligibility is limited to the fallen’ s next of kin, who must submit the application according to the Forces’ guidelines.

Honour Plaque Submission Form

H4HF Honour Plaque Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Canadian Armed Forces Fallen Name*
Date of Birth*
Date of Death*
Next of Kin Submitting*
Relation to Fallen*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Forever Remembered, Forever Honoured.